Kanto Cup Points and Penalty System

Season 2000 introduced a new Points and Penalty system for Kanto Cup on an experimetnal basis. From the past experiences, we have realised that the existing points system (see the Kanto Cup Rules and Playing Conditions) is inadequate to effectively deal with the on-field disputes and controversies. Since the Kanto Cup Organising Committee has no legal authority to take any punitive action against the offending team(s), there needs to be mechanism to deal with such situations other than ordering a re-match or at the extreme case, expelling a team from the competition. The Points and Penalty System described below will, hopefully, tackle such issues to a great extent, if not completely or effectively. This system will completely do away with the existing - winner 2, loser 0 – system and instead introduces a varied points system as described below:


The table below shows the points earned by each team in a match under different circumstances. The total points in a match vary according to the type of the match.

Type of match Winner Loser Total
Normal 4 2 6
Tie 3 3 6
Abandoned 2 2 4
Walk over 4 0 4


i). The reason why a losing team gets 2 points is to remove the unevenness that exists in the current system where a washed out match fetches 1 point each to both teams but a lost match fetches 0 point. With this criteria, potentially, a team who lost all its matches at the league level gets no point at all where as one whose all matches are washed out may get into the next stage of the tournament.

ii) Abandoned matches have a total of only 4 points (2 points each to both teams) because points earned out of such a match cannot be greater than the points obtained by a team that played and lost. If it were 6 points (3 points each), three washed out matches will fetch a team 9 points (3 x 3) but a team that won one match and lost two will get only 8 points ( [1 x 4] + [2 x 2]).

iii) Walk over is considered as a win and therefore 4 points to the winning team.

vi) Tie fetches 3 points each because both teams are of equal strength and must be rewarded equally.


This system introduces certain penalty clauses, which will deduct points from the defaulting team. The penalty clauses covered here are not a comprehensive list of the same but a few that has happened or are still happening during the tournament. The Committee is the ultimate authority in deciding who is/are the defaulting team(s) and how many points are to be deducted from each team involved at appropriate times.

Penalty clauses
  • One point will be deducted from the points earned from a match for failure to execute any post-match responsibilities by either team as defined by the committee such as not sending the score card to the authority in time and/or any other conditions the committee may impose.
  • One point will be deducted from the points earned if the score card is found to be incomplete or non-tallying.
  • Any dispute during the match:
      • Total points for that match is 4. Winner - 3, Loser – 1
  • Replay ordered due to dispute:
      • Total points for that match is 4. Winner - 3, Loser – 1
  • Two points will be deducted from the points earned if a team is found violating any Kanto Cup Rules and Playing Conditions such as not submitting the team sheets to the Committee prior to the finals or playing an unregistered player in any level of the tournament.

Important: The only known problem at this stage with this varied points system is that a team that lost all its matches and a team whose all matches have been washed out will end up with the same number of points in which case it may be difficult to determine the real winner using the run rate method. The existing system unfairly addresses this situation by awarding points to the washed out matches and no points to the losing team.

Case Study

Since this is a new system and no team is sure as to how will it work in reality, it may be worth while examining a few possible scenarios. For the purpose of this case study, it is assumed that there are only 5 teams in a group and they play each other (4 matches per team) in the league level.

Caution: As can be seen from the case studies below, this system may introduce more "tied" teams in terms of points earned at the end of the league matches.

Case 1

This case assumes an ideal situation(!) where there are no disputes and weather interruption.

Team Won Loss Rained Points
Team A 4 0 0 16
Team B 3 1 0 14
Team C 2 2 0 12
Team D 1 3 0 10
Team E 0 4 0 8

Case 2

This is an interesting scenario in which there are three washed out matches. Two distinct cases in this example are that a) team B and C finish up with equal number of wins, losses and rained matches and b) team D and E end up having same number of points after having played different number of matches.

Team Won Loss Rained Points
Team A 3 0 1 14
Team B 2 1 1 12
Team C 2 1 1 12
Team D 0 2 2 8
Team E 0 3 1 8

Case 3

This is an extension of Case 2 but here the Committee invoked penalty clauses on three occasions.

  1. A dispute during the match between team A and E
  2. Not sending the Score card in time to the Committee after the match by teams A and D and
  3. Playing an unregistered player by team C(-2 points).
Team Won Loss Rained Dispute Penalty Points
Team A 3 0 1 -1 -1 12
Team B 2 1 1     12
Team C 2 1 1   -2 10
Team D 0 2 2   -1 7
Team E 0 3 1 -1   7